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Teaching Learning Process

The teaching methodology used at ABBSSM is a judicious blend of lectures, seminars, case discussions, group presentations, management games, syndicate discussions, and special lectures by professionals from industry. Modern teaching aids such as overhead and LCD projectors, computer aided instructions, films, video, and audio tapes are used. The teaching and instructional methods used at the Institute encourage self-learning and learning through active student industry interaction in the form of practical assignments and projects. The students learn in an environment which is experiential, fun, enjoyable, and highly conducive for adult learning.

The academic development is driven through a Competency framework, the four pillars of which are Knowledge- Attitude- Skill-Habit (KASH model). To make learning effective Value Added Projects are a regular feature that student complete such as Industry Analysis, Dissertation, Business Plan and Internship Projects along with live industry projects both online and off-line.

Use of technology is proving to be the differentiator for the learning design at ABBS School of Management. The assignment concepts like Overnight assignment, Video assignment, lab driven practical assignments and simulation fill students with awe and excitements. They love being part of the process. Every student is encouraged to capture additional certificates both from online and offline mode. ABBS School of Management is careful about the selection of course material. Harvard cases and articles are choice of class discussion. Learned members do not restrict to knowledge sharing only they are into knowledge development through research, case study and consulting work. They continuously update themselves to remain competent for the market requirement.

In addition to conventional time-tested lecture method the ABBS School of Management adopted the following approaches:

Case Based Learning

To fulfil the corporate expectations ABBSSM teaches lots of cases and expose students to various business problems and live organizational situations. The case study method of teaching allows students to do critical thinking, analytical analysis of situations and then developing a framework for effective decision making. These management case studies highlight various business situations that are dynamic— either the shift in technology or competition makes new moves or the government policy undergoes a change. This demands for managerial judgments on a continual basis. Ability to ‘think critically’ is one of the very important aspect which companies look for in the prospective candidates. This is one of our program objectives as well. ABBSSM also motivates faculty members to write and publish their own cases. These cases are also extensively being used in classroom teaching. Faculty members also encourage and involve students in case study preparations.

Global Immersion Program

Globalisation and its impact on businesses worldwide is a key learning ingredient of ABBSSM students. To foster this dimension of learning amongst our students, ABBSSM has entered into academic partnerships with several overseas Institutions. These partnerships result in foreign students visiting our campus and our students going to these partner Institutions to gain valuable global exposure on the diversity in culture, business regulations, market behaviour and complexities of managing a business in a global environment.
Under the international exchange program our students have visited France, Singapore and Malaysia. Such immersion programs are led by faculty and the students benefit from university lectures, company visits and presentations. The opportunities for such exchanges and immersion trips are circulated to students periodically and they are free to apply for these programs.

Campus to Community

Campus to Community is a community engaged learning program that combines hands-on service work with reflection. Through service work, students challenge social issues, build skills and gain practical experience. Students then reflect to learn about themselves and the communities they work in. C2C is an internship program that offers handful experience to students on issues pertaining to the environment. The motto is to create intellectual ambassadors. C2C is a platform which strives to quest solutions or alternatives to the existing problems.

Students will be assigned tasks on projects related to development in various sectors including urban and rural development, water and power supply, sanitation and waste management, women and child issues, and more. Students are expected to work on ground to understand the issues at their very depth before attempting to address the problems on hand. This will create the foundation for informed and experienced young leadership which our country needs. Bangalore is no alien to issues. Once a garden city, now a garbage city. Once a city that was admired for its beauty now that has lost its charm. The city has lost its eco-balance. To overcome these issues, Campus to community, an internship program was initiated by Students for Development aiming to engage students from campuses in community activities. ABBSSM students will be used as resources to conduct surveys in the city. This would help the students to give them a hands-on experience and knowledge of the BBMP functions and ward offices. Team Leaders lead Campus to Community participants through their engaged- learning experience – connecting both ABBSSM students and local change-making organizations. Non-profit organizations, social service organizations and government service offices will partner with ABBSSM Campus to Community Programs.

Global Virtual Teams

The PGDM students be equipped to work across time zones, languages, and cultures. To acquire the skills necessary, students can work on a project with member schools from department/Institute’s Global Network/international linkages. The idea of introducing “Global Virtual Teams,” a required course in the core curriculum, helps for grounding in team dynamics realizing the routine difficulties of working with people stationed in remote parts of the world. The course will help students develop a set of skills that the market is demanding.

Continuous Evaluation

At ABBSSM, students are evaluated continuously through seminars, assignments, projects, quizzes, etc. A review of students’ performance is made every month and corrective action is initiated immediately. The evaluation of the student also incorporates important qualitative parameters like participation in seminars, workshops, group activities, and the overall initiative taken by the student.

Global Classrooms

Apart from course faculty, using modern ICT technology (MasterSoft) students learn in class room from people who are located all over the world who bring real-time insights from their industries, their customers, happenings in their local place and environment. This spark different ways of thinking as well as covers the conventional material.

Experiential/Live Projects

The learning is driven by the students who take up experiential projects in companies, where senior executives guide them.

Research and Incubation

ABBSSM has a unique and innovative program for students where they learn how to undertake both qualitative and quantitative research. This offers an opportunity to the students to delve deep into areas of their interest and publish papers in recognized journals. The students work under the guidance of the research mentor and the faculty mentor. The program prepares the student for their corporate or entrepreneurial projects as they are able to create excellent reports through a research process that they learn. This initiative helps in the placement process as students become confident in answering the interview questions as they have better knowledge of the area of their specialization. They stand ahead of others in their jobs as they can present data in a structured and analysed manner that adds value to their reports and presentations in their corporate life. Students are encouraged to prepare Business Plans that they can present to investors and ABBSSM helps to incubate ideas that are recognized as having good potential.

Group Tasks

Recognizing the fact that a manager is a team player first and an individual performer later, most of the assignments given to the students are group assignments. Also, courses which require a multi-disciplinary approach are being taught jointly by two or more faculty members with different areas of specialization.

Each student is assigned to a working group at the beginning of the start of each course by the faculty. These groups work together on all group assignments for the duration of Semester I. New groups are formed at the beginning of Semester II and these groups generally continue to work together till the end of the course. There will be one nominated Class Representative called Class Coordinator.

Corporate Interface

The Institute regularly invites top executives from the corporate world for interaction with the students and faculty on various subjects. It has helped to bring the corporate experience to the classroom, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Check out the Antecedents of Competency Development Document