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  • ABBS School of Management

    15th International Conference

    Conflict Prevention and Peace Management

About the Conference

The 15th Annual International Conference is scheduled to be hosted on 11th to 13th July, 2024 on the broad theme of Peace Economics, Peace Science Conflict Management and Development in Bangalore, in close association with the UNESCO Chair of Grenoble Ecole De Management, France, European SPES Institute, Belgium, Emeritus Professor Manas Chatterji from Binghamton University, State University of New York, South Asian Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes (SAADRI), Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA), Globethics South Asia Centre and Mahatma Gandhi Center for Conflict Prevention and Management, ABBSSM. With this conference, ABBSSM hopes to bring attention to the role of ethics and peace and contribute to the understanding for the global common good.

The action on ethical and peace processes is more prudent today than ever. Human existence and development are in question due to mounting conflicts in each region of the world as there is a lack of consciousness representing embedded ethical behaviour. From America to Australia and India to Europe there is a conflict story happening every second internally or externally. Terrorizing humanity has become rampant and life is at risk. The conference is an effort to create a more ethical, sustainable and peaceful world. A key question for the Conference was what needs to be done to reach to the development target set by National and International Economic Forums and how peace will enable this development.

Publication opportunity is available for selected papers in Scopus and ABDC listed journals at addional journal fee . Last conference abstracts were published as conference proceedings in ISBN book. The selected papers are being published as part of edited book with Emerald Publishing

The annual international conference is held under the aegis of the Mahatma Gandhi International Research Centre for Conflict Prevention and Management. The conference is organized by Prof. Manas Chatterji, Emeritus Management Professor in Binghamton University, and Prof. Madhumita Chatterji, Director at ABBS School of Management

Contact Details:

Dr.Purushotham CV
+91 80990 90602

Abstract Submission Date:

Saturday 15th June

Full Paper Submission Date:

Monday 1st July

Key Highlights

  • Panel Discussion 1
    A panel discussion by experts on Gandhian Thought entitled ‘Gandhi and the Youth’. The experts are authors of the book titled “Abundant Love” based on Dr. Satish Kumar’s work, the founder and Director of Programmes of the Schumacher College (U.K.) International Center for Ecological Studies and Editor Emeritus of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine.
  • Panel Discussion 2
    Panel discussion on ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’, organized by “Inclusion First Consultancy Private Limited (DBA Pride Circle)” focusing on the issues and concerns of the LGBTQ+ community in society and conflicts related to that.

Download the 15th International Conference Schedule Brochure

Peace Economics, Peace Science, Conflict Management and Development.

This year the focus is on Conflict Prevention and Peace Management
  • Sustainability and the meaning of life
  • Business Ethics
  • Spirituality and Human Values
  • Quality of life
  • Integral Ecology
  • Developing ecological awareness and responsible business
  • Social integration
  • Moral and virtue based leadership
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Arms control/Nuclear proliferation
  • Globalization and conflict
  • International trade and financial crisis
  • Disaster management
  • Terrorism
  • Resource conflict
  • Empirical case studies
  • Crisis of identity and conflict management

Excellent Speakers

Renowned speaker, Mr. Stephen Killelea AM who was nominated for the Noble Peace Prize and the founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace, a global think tank, will address the gathering


“Wallless to Wellness” teaching pedagogy.

Conference organisers

Prof. Madhumita Chatterji
Director, ABBS School of Management

Prof. Manas Chatterji
Professor Emeritus, Binghamton university, NY

Prof. Kshitiz Sharma
ABBS School of Management

Prof. Vijaya Bhaskar
ABBS School of Management

Conference Contact Details

Ms.Chaitra Yadav
+91 080232 45516/17/18

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Registration and Fees Details

Student Participation Fees

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INR 1000

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International Participants


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Indian Participants

INR 3000

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SAARC Participants


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Participants From African Nations


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