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MDP & Consultancy

MDP & Consultancy

The vision of ABBSSM highlights contemporary and dynamic management education and therefore connect with Industry becomes imperative. To facilitate the same, the Institute conducts MDPs and Consultancies which contribute to the business ecosystem on a regular basis.

The Management Development Programs promote executive education. It showcases and provides insights to innovative concepts and practices in management which are relevant for formulating and implementing strategies in various functional domains. Our programs prepare managers, professionals, and executives to face challenges inherent in business, update their knowledge and give them the exposure to critic concepts thereby enhancing their competencies and skills. MDP’s in the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Digital Marketing, Supply Chain, Lean Management , Analytics, Behavioral Finance and Global Risks and Value Investing have been conducted by the Institute.

ABBSM Students Club

Leveraging the vast industry experience of faculty, ABBS School of Management offer consultancy services to many industries and business enterprises. These interactions not only disseminate knowledge but creates a network between the corporates and the Institute.


Consultancy Program and Assignment

We have customized our programs in the areas of Business Analytics, Lean Management, HR, Sales and Entrepreneurship to name a few which cater to specific requirements of the organizations. The Institute takes pride in the fact that many organisations have repeatedly associated with us based on excellent content delivery, vigour and quality of our consultancy services.

Consultancy assignments provide an opportunity for ABBSSM faculty to interact with industry, business, organization, government in implementing strategic solutions to improve the functioning of respective organisations. Consultancy assignments contributes to the professional development and stature of the faculty member and enhances their contribution to Institution building. Such assignments enhance brand image, internships, placement, and Institutional standing among peer Institutions.

Consultancy Program and Assignment

Sl. NoMDP Resource Person
1Global RisksMr. Abdul Majeed
2Emotional Intelligence & Team Building- HALProf. (Dr.) Madhumita Chatterji
3Customer Delight and Expectations from Five Star HotelsDr. Kshitiz Sharma
4Business AnalyticsDr. Subhash R Kulkarni
5Behavioral Finance & Value InvestingProf. Shivaprasad. G
6Digital Marketing – Opportunities & ChallengesProf. Santosh Kumar. G
7Finance for Non Finance ManagersProf. Shivaprasad. G
8KRA, KPI, Balance Score CardDr. Balaji. M. S & Dr. S. Baskaran
9Smart Sales for Business DevelopmentDr. Kshitiz Sharma
10Lean ManagementDr. Gautam Sengupta
11Entrepreneurship and StartupsDr. S Baskaran & Prof. Pala Suriya Kala
12Leaders In School ManagementDr. D. Vasudeva Naidu
13HR roles and Bench markingDr. S. Baskaran
14Team Effectiveness & Outbound TrainingDr. D. Vasudeva Naidu
15Wealth Management in association with ICAIMr. C.M.A Ravindranath Kaushik &
Prof. Shivaprasad. G
16MDP on Change Management – Hind High vaccum company pvt ltdDr. S. Baskaran & Dr. V. S. Chauhan
17Strategic Effectiveness in Global contextDr. S. Baskaran

List of Consultancy

Project TitleFunding Agency
Capacity Building & Skill Development in Lean Construction Management(Continuous)Platinum Constructions
Impact of GST Regulation on Construction Industry(Continuous)Platinum Constructions
HR, Accounts, Quality Control & Marketing of Plywood(Continuous)IPIRTI, Govt. Of India, Bengaluru
Industry 4.0: with ABB as an industry partnerIIT-Kharagpur + TIU+ ABB
Business AnalyticsMiscellaneous Industries
Lean ManagementMiscellaneous Industries
Research Minds: Great Start to Rewarding FinishEducation Sector
SMART SalesPeenya Manufacturing Industries
YCCE – Vision, Mission, Departmental Vision, Mission Formulation”.Yaswantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra
Capacity Building & Skill Development in Operations, Finance & HRPlatinum Construction
HR, Accounts, Quality Control & Marketing of PlywoodIPIRTI, Govt. Of India, Bengaluru
HR Roles and BenchmarkingSasvat Ltd.
Entrepreneurship and Start-upsMiscellaneous Industries
HR, Accounts, Quality Control & Marketing of PlywoodIPIRTI, Govt. Of India, Bengaluru
Quality Control & Marketing of PlywoodIPIRTI, Govt. Of India, Bengaluru
Leaders in School ManagementMiscellaneous Industries